Overall, I'm going down very very slowly but in some way, that seems like a waste of time. Harry says "you're going down and that's all that matters" and I kind of agree but I have to face the fact that I'm not willing to make the sacrifices that are necessary to really make a difference.
I'll walk until I'm blue in the face but then I'll eat.
I'm up to 4 1/2 miles a day now but I can't say that I'm flying around the course. I do pretty well all day and I've really tried to increase the fruits, vegetables, and water. But then evening comes. Ahhhh reward time.
If I had never tasted a cheddar cheese flavored Quake or a Hostess 100 Calorie Pack Strawberry Cake with Cream Cheese icing and Creamy filling, I'd probably be a stick right now. (Warning. if you're not familiar with these products, avoid them at all costs. They are extremely hazardous to your weight loss efforts.)
I know what I have to do and that's what I vow all the time. I just won't buy them. But then Harry does. He's so nice. I know I should tell him not to buy them but then I forget (on purpose) so that he'll bring them home to me and I can indulge myself at night when I have to eat something to stay awake and watch TV.
Is this thinking a little skewed? Don't answer. I already know. But believe it or not, I'm still sure that my thinking will come around and result in shrinking. I just have to get to that point AND I seem to drop in little bunches after being kind of stuck for a couple of weeks. Yeah, I'll try that theory.
And this week I'll make some sacrifices - I'll try blueberries and grapes instead of Quakes.
And, Harry, this is your notice. Don't buy Quakes. I have to learn to live without them. The cakes? Well we'll see. I can't dump everything at once, can I?