Beth's You Capture subject this week is Spring and it's one of my favorites. I started with the freshly blooming azalea and found I wasn't the only one who appreciated it.

The peonies won't bloom for two or three weeks at least but the buds say Spring to me and have a beauty of their own. I wasn't the only one who appreciated these either.

Of course no Spring blog post would be complete without including a bluebird and maybe even some bluebird friends.
Then yesterday I thought to address the flowers in front one last time. The first is one of Mr. Right's favorites - the Columbine.
Finally the worst picture of them all, because it was by far the most challenging to capture, had to be included because it says Spring more clearly than any of the others.
There are many other Spring pictures at Beth's I Should Be Folding Laundry. Go take a look.