Our third great grandchild and first great granddaughter was born one year ago today at just before eight o'clock in the evening. I'm not sure if there's ever been a cuter newborn.

She even rocked out her photo shoot with her aunt two weeks later.
Aubrey is her mother's and her grandmother's namesake since they all share a middle name, Lynn. Here's Aubrey Lynn through the year.

It's been a busy year for Aubrey. She started crawling early and
walking at under ten months. She's always been very adept physically
and willing to try absolutely anything. Including climbing into a big truck to go for a joy ride.

Fortunately she had Dad's ever ready hands there to make sure nothing bad happened and her joy was apparent when he got her squared away exactly where she wanted to be.

She had her first Valentine's Day.

And she got acquainted with her second cousin who is a mere three weeks older than her.

At a very early age (in fact one month), she demonstrated an interest in guitar playing.
And recently proved that that interest has not waned.
She's the apple of her parents' eyes (well, one of three apples).
And an important part of one of the sweetest, most wonderful families that I know.
So Happy Birthday, Aubrey. We hope it's amazing but only a tiny bit as wonderful as the many, many more to come.