Grant is a very important part of this large family
and a very important part of this beautiful family
He was our 3rd grandchild and our 2nd grandson.
I wrote about Grant on his birthday last year and that post will show you links to all his previous posts.
And those links take you to stories and show pictures of how he's changed through the years. So I'll just post a few pictures here
and concentrate more on what's been going on in his life during the past year and mainly that can be summed up in two words - school and work.
Grant is pursuing a degree in Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Computer Science and is scheduled to graduate in August, 2018. It's a good thing he loves this field because he also works in it part-time during the school year and full-time during the summer. And even during the summer, he's doubling up because in June he took a course in run-time libraries (Discreet Structures) which wasn't all that fun but very useful.
Lately he's been during a lot of reorganizing and getting ready for two new roommates that will share a new abode with him in the coming year. This new place is nicer, a great deal money-wise, but a little farther from school which requires some careful planing and logistics - sharing rides, etc.
He has managed to squeeze in a couple of getaways this year to visit his parents and sister in Florida and as a matter of fact is heading down there today for a few days. 
And, whenever he can, he heads down to the Springs to spend some time with his brother. (and this year I will get an up-to-date picture of the two of them. ) He also spent the holidays with his family and then headed to Gulf Shores to spend some time with the BIG family.
So that about sums up the past year in Grant's life but I have to add my own synopsis. First of all, Grant is a great sport and a lot of fun.
He's a great dancer
and isn't about to let his aunts outdance him.
But most importantly, Grant is a wonderful person. He's sincere, sweet, thoughtful, and kind. He's also smart, motivated, cheerful, and a lot of fun to be around. And, he loves cats. For these and so many other reasons, we could not be more proud of him and we're wishing him the best birthday EVER but one only half as great as the many more to come! Happy Birthday, Grant! We love you!