Anna is grandchild #12 of our nineteen grandchildren.

Here she is playing with one of her many cousins.

One year ago I wrote about
her and her 7th birthday.

Today we're celebrating her 8th birthday and last night we chatted on the phone.
Hi Anna, how are you? Fine!
You're up kind of late aren't you? Yes, Noah's upstairs already!
Okay, I have some questions for you. Okay
What did you like most about being 7? Ummm, I liked being seven because...ummmm ....uhhhh - I've no idea.
Do you like having two brothers? Yes
Which one is more fun? Sort of both. Noah is more fun because he's older than Eli and he doesn't cry. Eli is more fun because he's small and I like to play with him because he's so cute.

Do you like school? Yes!!

What's your favorite subject? Ummmm, mostly spelling.
I know you're a good reader. How about reading? Sort of

What do you like to do for fun? I like to go outside and play in the snow and just land in the snow on my face.
What kind of weather is your favorite? Summer or Winter and Spring. I like all of them!

Why? I like summer because I like to swim in my friend's pool and my pool and in my friend's hot tub.

In Winter I like to play outside.
And in Spring I like to help my mom plant stuff.

If you had to decide right now what you'll be when you grow up, what would it be? Can I tell you a lot? I want to be a singer and a waitress and that's all.
Why do you like being in Brownies? Because, ummm, all of my friends are in Brownies and we get snacks every time and also we get to do crafts. And today at Brownies everybody was singing Everybody, Dance Now! I was like what the heck just happened!

What's your new doll's name? Ashley
Do you like to cook? Yeah, because I like to help my mom 'cause I like touching food especially the eggs.

Do you like to clean? Nooooooo
Why not? Because it takes hard work and I like things messy so I can find them easily.
That seems like the opposite of how it should be. I know!
Do you like to sing? Yes!
What kind of songs do you like? Songs that I really know. My favorite singers are Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez. For Selena Gomez I like A Year Without Rain and Round and Round. For Taylor Swift, I like Mine and Back to December and Sparks Fly, Speak Now, Story of Us and one more - Innocent and one more okay? - Better Than Revenge.
Do you have a favorite cousin? Jenna! 'Cause we're almost the same age but she's two years older than me.

What's your favorite food treat? Jello and cake and mostly Gold Fish.
What about s'mores? Definitely s'mores!!!

What are you going to do on your birthday? Tomorrow I have dress rehearsal for the talent show and I'm going to wear the clothes I picked out - a country style dress, blue leggings, like those twinkle toe shoes but they're different, a blue tank, and a pink sparkly hat.
What else should we know about you? You should ask me why I want to be a singer.
Why do you? Because I'm a really good one. When I sang for the audition, I didn't feel nervous anymore. I faced my fears.
Why else? You should ask why I want to be a waitress.
Why do you? Because it seems like fun. I've seem them and I want to do what they do - like my Uncle Jon.
And are you excited for the talent show? Yes! Maybe Jenna will be there.
And I know a few more interesting facts about Anna.
She's nothing if not stylish.

And she's a sweet, loving, extremely helpful girl with many interests and talents. And she's growing up way too fast!

Happy Birthday, Anna. Hope it's fun and exciting from beginning to end!!!