Saturday, January 21, 2012

Noah Daniel Through The Years

Yesterday was Noah's 8th birthday. Now for five days, he and Anna are both 8 years old.

Last night after shoveling snow at 11:30 p.m., I remembered. I hadn't done Noah's birthday post. I didn't forget his birthday. In fact I was acutely aware of it all day as I stressed out about the weather and whether or not it was going to allow me to get to Beth's to help out during the party. So I baked and worried and shoveled snow - but I didn't do Noah's post.

I could write it off as getting old and forgetful but I think the real reason is that I'm struggling with this year's birthday format. I just haven't been able to put it together in a fun and interesting way and therefore I'm not excited about it. Next year it's back to birthday interviews but for this year I'll be trying to refine my 'through the years' birthday posts until they become more to my liking.

Here's pictorial Noah through the years.

Noah is one of the best grandchildren anyone could ever hope for. He's loving, kind, and thoughtful. He's a good student, a good brother, and a good sport. We're very proud of you Noah and we hope your birthday was stellar! (We've already heard that your Lego party was.)

Happy Birthday to a wonderful boy!


  1. I just can't get enough of his pictures because MAN! he is so DANG CUTE!!!! He really is one of the most loving, sweetest boys you'll ever ever meet and I hope he had the BEST birthday EVER!!!! and btw, I don't think these posts are boring at all!

  2. Aw, what a sweetheart. That boy is always smiling! I like seeing the pics in chronological order like you have them here.

  3. He really is the most awesome kid! Happy Birthday, Noah!!! (even later from Auntie Lori). And as always, another fantastic and amazing post with incredible pictures!! Great job!


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