Now if I had a real squirrel problem, I might get a Hav-A-Hart trap. I might catch them live and take them over 13 miles away to a really, really large outdoor area where there are no homes within miles. I might take along cut up fruit and squirrel food so that they'd have some resource for nourishment while they adjusted to their new area.
A squirrel might look like this as he scampered (or raced in terror) from his confines.
And I might get really stubborn and just keep going to see how squirrel-free I could make my neighborhood. And I might get really lucky like this person did.
And if I did all this, maybe the squirrels would be really lucky too because some people suggest they should be shot or poisoned - not relocated and fed. So there could potentially be luck all around.
So I'll have to consider whether or not I'd want to take on a project like this. I've heard of people relocating 40 or 50 squirrels. That surely made their neighborhood a pleasanter and cleaner place to be.
I should really think about this.
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