Here's how that interview went:
So for 5 days every year, you and Noah are the same age. Do you like that? Nope! Why not? Because it makes me look younger. And you want to be older? Yes, Yes I do. How old do you want to be? Just older than Noah.
Did you stay up late? Til 11:30ish.
And did you all sleep in today? Yes til
How do you like being a big sister to 3 younger siblings? Fine. What do you like about it? I like to boss people around. Do they like that? No. But, Eli doesn't really care. He's like 'okay'!
Seriously. History. Pioneer era.
Oh! So the Little House on the Prairie books that you got from your mom and dad for your birthday were perfect for you! Yes! I'm still on the first book and the first time I took it to school there
were Oreos that I forgot about in my backpack and my water leaked and now the pages are all
brown. But it's okay.
What's your favorite thing to do in your free time? Play with my friends and go on my Ipod. And my friends got me this really cool art set and I like to play with that. It's like a suitcase full of it literally. And I like chewing gum.
What do you like best about the Christmas House? Seeing all my cousins. And staying up on New Year's Eve.
What's your favorite thing to do in your free time? Play with my friends and go on my Ipod. And my friends got me this really cool art set and I like to play with that. It's like a suitcase full of it literally. And I like chewing gum.
What do you like best about the Christmas House? Seeing all my cousins. And staying up on New Year's Eve.
What have I forgotten to ask you? What my favorite
kind of gum is. And what is it? EXTRA Root Beer Float. There's also Water Melon Fruit Punch and Orange Cream Bar.
They're all really good and my friends got me fruity stripe gum. It's
else? How much do I like One
Direction. How much do you like One Direction? A lot a lot a lot. Right now I'm wearing my One Direction shirt,
my Niall necklace, and I'm thinking of One Direction songs.
Did you hear
about the ice storm that's supposed to happen tomorrow. Between 2 and 3 pretty much we're supposed to get freezing rain. Which reminds me of another question. What's your favorite channel on TV? The Weather Channel! They just came out with Coast Guard Florida
and it's awesome. And they already had Coast Guard Alaska
but it's grosser.
Wow, this was such a great and entertaining interview. ...just like Anna!! She is so hilarious and has a great personality:) And I love that she likes the weather channel lol she could watch it with Grandpa!!:)....oh and its scary how much Clara looks like her!!! I cant believe it! Happy Birthday, Anna! Hope you had a great day! We love you!