A little while ago I interviewed Tracy but I had to keep it short because it's the last day of their camping vacation in Coldwater, Michigan.
Here's how it went.
Happy Birthday, Tracy. I hope you're having a wonderful day despite the fact that it marks the end of this camping trip.
Has it been a good day so far? Yes it's been an awesome day. We got a new vehicle so that was good. So you got Amy a new car? Did you get anything else for your birthday? No just that. Any special plans for tonight? No not really. We're just gonna pack up and get everything ready to leave tomorrow.
And how has the camping trip gone? Yeah, it's been just like all the other ones. It's great getting away. I love being outside and I love camping, fires, fishing, family....everything about it. Did you catch any big ol' pigs? I caught an 18 incher (one inch less than the one you caught).

So not only do you have room for all kinds of sports at your house, but your best friends and favorite party partners live next door. I'm curious. Did you move there because of the neighbors or did you get to know them after you moved in? After I moved in. But, ever since then we've been inseparable. We do everything together in fact they're camping next to us right now.
I know you do a lot of traveling for your job. Do you get tired of driving all over Michigan or is it something you kind of enjoy? I enjoy it. Really? Oh yeah, it's one of the best things about my job. I'm not stuck in an office and I see new faces and new places everyday.
You seemed to glide into the role of father pretty seamlessly when you married Amy and all of a sudden had three stepchildren. How does it feel to be a grandfather to four already and essentially the patriarch to a family of ten? It's just amazing and extraordinary to have so many people that are really a big part of my life.
Is there anything you can tell us about yourself that we might not already know? Amy says I can fix anything. Can you? Well, I've had electronics training and stuff. Basically I do the job I do because I can fix anything out there. It's what I do.
What else? Well, she says I'm really good at the drums on rock band. And that although I have a rough exterior, I'm really sensitive.
And that was about as much as I could drag out of the two of them. Despite the fact that they were so busy, it was a good interview and he was, as usual, very cooperative. However, there are a few things I'd like to add about Tracy. He has a sweet, loving disposition and really is kind and considerate of his family (and everyone else). He has a strong sense of right and wrong and is true to those principles. He's extremely likeable and he's the guy you'll always want to invite to your party because he's so fun-loving yet kind and selfless. We're so glad that Tracy is our son-in-law and we're wishing him a very happy birthday and a year full of everything he could wish for.
Oh, and I just remembered. Earlier when I asked about the fish he was catching I should have inserted a picture of him with his catch but I didn't have one which is because when we're fishing with him, he's selflessly driving the boat, trying to get as close as possible to the best spots, maintaining all our fishing gear, and doing everything except getting to fish. And that's the kind of guy he is!
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