Teresa's birthday is Part 2 in our trifecta of birthdays on June 26th. She became part of our family a little over seventeen years ago and we've loved her from the moment we first met her. It had to be somewhat daunting to suddenly become a member of such a large family and we'll find out more about that in the interview that I'm going to post here. But first, I'll point back to the post I did last year about our
two daughters-in-law. In reading it over, I realize how much it says about what special women these 'daughters' are. We're truly blessed.
Now for the interview:
You first joined our family over 17 years ago and we loved you from the start; but how did you feel about becoming part of such a large family? I was very nervous on the drive up to meet you all for the first time but I'll never forget the huge hug that you and Dad were so nice to greet me with. All of my fears disappeared and from that moment on, I felt like a part of the family. It's been amazing to be a part of such an awesome family ever since.
Do you like being an Army wife? Most of the time yes.
What are some of the pros? I love the traditions and ceremonies in the Army and that it allows us to explore new places and gain new friends. My favorite place was Hawaii (with Colorado a close second). Not only because of its beauty and climate but because Dan and I really had to go it alone for the first time in our married lives. Not to mention I enjoy seeing Dan in that uniform every day. Woohoo!!
And cons? Definitely the deployments. All of them are tough but when he was deployed while we were in Louisiana and Hurricane Katrina hit - that had to be one of the hardest. (Thank God he was on his way home shortly after.) I also miss being close to family sometimes when things get a little overwhelming.

You've definitely gone through some ups and downs over the years, what were the most challenging moments and can you share some of the highlights? The most challenging would be being a new wife and mom at a very young age, being a single mom to three on occasion, going back to school in my thirties, and sending my husband off to war just to name a few. The highlights would have to be meeting and marrying the love of my life, the blessing of experiencing pregnancy three times and having the cutest babies ever, being able to be a part of one of the biggest families I know of, and actually getting to be a part of Army life. It's allowed me to experience so many different things.

Thanks to the Army you've lived in lots of different places while Dan was deployed. Which did you find most conducive to living through a deployment? It's actually a tie between two places. Although not exactly a favorite because I knew what he was going into but I would probably have say his first deployment to Iraq. At that time we lived in Ft. Stewart and so did Dave & Patty and their kids. It was good to have family there and I think it helped the boys to have their cousins right across the playground. It helped me to have Patty and little Katie too! The bonds between neighbors and the support groups were incredible. I'll never forget that. The other would be in Louisiana when he got home from his second deployment to Iraq and we got pregnant with our little girl.

You seem to excel at everything you attempt from school to homemaking to mothering and being a loving and supportive wife. How do you wear so many hats and wear them so well? First of all, thank you! I don't feel like I always have my 'hats' on straight but I think the Army life and the deployments we've been through, give me a good perspective. I want to do the best I can each day that I am given - no matter what might be going on. Dan and the kids are my world and I want to do all that I can for each of them.
What are your favorite family activities? Any time that we can all be together is always such a blessing to me after going through 5 deployment. I would have to say that my favorite activity would be dinner time. We always sit at the table together, share our days and laugh so much it hurts! Sometimes we'll even go downstairs with our food and watch Wipe Out which is always a blast!
So what's your idea of a perfect vacation? Well, this is going to sound silly but my family hasn't had many vacations in our time together. This past April we went to Disney World; and for the first time, we were together and away and did nothing but play for a whole week. It was absolutely perfect.
Grant seems to really embrace the ROTC program and really shines in that domain. How would you feel about him joining the military some day? I'll be honest and say that my worries have kicked in already but I have accepted it. I think it's heartwarming that he has enjoyed this life of ours in the military and that he seems to have a true gift for it just like his dad. Of course I might have to call you from time to time for some advice - it's one thing to have a husband in the Army, it's a whole other thing to have a son there.
Where do you see you and Dan settling some day? Back here in Indiana with us right? lol Lol! You never know! I think we would really like to stay in Colorado. We love our house and the abundance of activities available here. We also don't mind seeing those beautiful mountains right outside our windows everyday.
What do you plan to do on your birthday? Tonight my wonderful husband has made reservations for just the two of us at one of my favorite Italian restaurants, Zios'. Tomorrow we're going to hit the pool, maybe have a picnic and then Dan will grill something fabulous for dinner AND make and decorate a cake for me, which happens to be my favorite part because he's so good at it and it's usually something really funny and cute! I just love that we'll be together this year. :)

What have I failed to ask about that we might find interesting about you? This is a hard one! Hmmm, well I actually love to move every 2 to 3 years because it gives me a chance to experience new things and I love change. I also love to crochet and am currently working on two baby blankets for two very special little babies waiting to come into the family. And I love to run but not outside like everyone else. I am addicted to the treadmill! I should be a professional organizer and maybe someday when I grow up, that's what I'll be. And, I secretly love to cook but don't tell anybody because then my family will expect me to make fancy stuff and that's too much pressure!

Teresa is also looking forward to having a senior and freshman in high school and a kindergartener; having a 'normal' family life since Dan will be home; and she's training to do something called the 'Incline'. It's located in Manitou Springs - just one mile up but it gains 2000 feet of vertical by way of 2800 railroad ties. Then it's a 4 mile stroll (or run) back down the Barr Trail's switchbacks.
And let me add that when it comes to formals and great taste in fashion, Teresa is unsurpassed. She's gorgeous for every military ball and function and I know Dan's always proud to wear her on his arm.

So Happy Birthday, Teresa! I hope it's the best one yet. I could find hundreds more pictures to include and dozens of heartwarming stories but they'll have to wait for next year's post. For now, we're blessed to have you in our family. You're loving, sweet, understanding, kind, and beautiful; and you deserve a birthday extraordinaire!
Happy, Happy Birthday!