Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Something's Going On

Yesterday was an unusual day at my house. I had people coming. The first wave arrived at about 9 a.m.

No, it wasn't long lost relatives coming for an extended stay. This is just some of the equipment that these strangers brought with them.

Of course, they didn't stay strangers long. They quickly got to work and made themselves right at home - which is what I invited them to do. Finally, everything was ready.

And we did our video. I can't say too much more except you'll see the results in a few weeks. Oh, and we'll have a giveaway.

I have a little trepidation about how the video will turn out but I'm really excited about the gift basket someone will win!


  1. I love seeing the pictures, I can't believe how much equipment they brought in! I can't wait to see the finished product!!

  2. Now this is going to drive me crazy for the next few weeks. Whatever it is, I hope I win it! Just kidding. I can't wait to see you on the 30th!!!

  3. SECRETS!!! No fair! {how exciting!!!}

  4. A video? And a secret? AND a giveaway? Awesome! I can't wait to learn more!


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