Beth was born on February 7th, 1977 during one of the worst winters in recorded history for our area. I remember looking outside all winter wondering how I would get to the hospital if I went into labor. But I made it and on February 8th, I looked out the hospital window and saw water trickling down the street. Beth's arrival heralded the much needed end to that terrible season. And I always believed it was a sign of what a special gift she would be.
Here is Beth pictorially 'through the years'.

So here's wishing a very happy birthday to one of the most amazing young women I've ever had the pleasure to know and, to my extraordinary luck, she's our daughter. Beth's personality has always been special and quirky. She has a sense of humor that won't quit but she's not just funny. She really is bodacious. She has the courage of her convictions and isn't afraid to share. You can always expect the unexpected from Beth.

Here she is describing a momentous night in her and Brian's relationship.

Here is an anniversary card she made for her grandparents when she was very young. Her incredibly sweet, loving personality was already shining through.

And here are a couple of recent pictures from the Christmas House. She's a loving mother, daughter, wife, sister, and friend.

And she's incredibly fun to be around.
Have a beautiful day, Beth!