Jared was our 4th grandchild and 3rd grandson.
He is an important part of this large family
And an even more important part of this smaller family.
I wrote about him in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015; and those posts tell you about how Jared has grown and changed 'through the years'. Also, the following photo stream will show you how he's changed physically 'through the years'.
.Another big change in his life occurred last year when his mom and stepdad moved to Pella, Iowa - away from the Waverly house that had been Jared's home base for just about as long as he could remember. This meant that in the summer when he visited Pella, he wasn't able to hang out with his friends who were still back in Waverly. Fortunately some are going to the University of Iowa - Lincoln (where Jared goes) and some are going to Creighton (I think in Omaha) so they're able to get together occasionally throughout the school year. And he added that Pella with his family was a really relaxing experience and showed him the value of taking time to settle down, compose himself, and relax.
Also on his list of highlights for the year was the visit from his paternal grandparents just before school started when they helped him with his back to school shopping. Here is the paternal side of Jared's family.
As to the future, Jared is looking forward to a trip to Sydney, Australia next summer for about a week as a part of the International Scholar Laureate Program. Basically he'll be attending business
conferences and workshops and doing presentations. It requires a lot of advance preparation but he's definitely up for it. This came about because he's part of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars.
He's planning another trip to Gulf Shores this winter and will be starting his final year of college next fall. And right now he's thinking that he'll stay in Nebraska after he graduates because it's a place he loves and it's not all that far from his family in Pella.So that pretty well wraps up the major changes in Jared's life but there's lots more I could tell you about him. He's a loving brother and son,
a fun cousin,
and a very sweet, smart, helpful, loving person all around. He takes his studies seriously and is already sensing the changes in himself and his thinking as he matures. He doesn't have a girl in his life right now but when he does, she'll be a lucky one because he has a bright, shiny future and he's loyal, honest, and down-to-earth. We love Jared and could not be more proud of him. For these and a thousand other reasons, we're wishing him a happy (and safe) 21st birthday and a year better than any he's had so far but not as great as the many more to come! Happy Birthday, Jared!