Monday, April 18, 2016

David Robert - Yesterday and Today

Today was Dave's birthday!
Dave is an important part of this large family (where his story began),
a very important part of this larger family,
and an even more important part of this wonderful family.
I wrote about Dave here and if you follow the links in this post you'll know a lot about his yesterdays. Then if you scroll through the following pictures you'll see how he's changed over the years.

 Here  he is being sworn into the Army.

 So mainly I'm going to talk about what he's been up to for the previous year.  Before he was reassigned, he spent a good deal of time in scouting with his three sons.
Since he was reassigned, he's spent quite a bit of time on the road because his new assignment kept him close enough to home to return on weekends.  So he's been able to attend some volleyball tournaments with his kids, stay active in scouting, and keep up with a lot of the chores around the house.  So yes, Dave is back in college too.  And he's also maintaining two households which is never easy.  And despite a sometimes crushing schedule he manages to stay in touch with his mom and dad and family.
And although he's not 'deployed' he spent his birthday at home tonight, alone, eating the dinner he prepared, and connecting long distance with his family.  That's the way of his job and he does it with professionalism, loyalty, and pride.  He doesn't complain and is grateful for the many opportunities he's been able to take advantage of in his career.  And speaking of career, he was placed on the promotion list and should be pinned sometime this summer.
We are incredibly proud of Dave, our second born son by a mere 10 minutes, and we're grateful to call him our son. We're wishing him a happy birthday a little late and a year ahead filled with fulfillment, family, and fun!

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