Saturday, November 10, 2012

Ryan Matthew - Through The Years

Today is Ryan's 20th birthday.  He's our second grandchild and very first grandson.

Here's he is through the years.



It's hard to believe he's twenty years old already.  But what's not so hard to believe is that he's just as cute and as sweet as he ever was.  I'd write a lot more about him but no one could sum him up better than his mother did in her Facebook post this morning.  In case you didn't catch it, here's what she said.

"Happy Birthday!! I hope you have the most amazing day, Ry! I texted you :) I still cherish the beautiful memories you've always given me, no cuter or sweeter child to love trains, his Aunties and Grandmas and talk about ya-yas. (french fries!) I have such fond memories of making you scrambled eggs for breakfast every morning and you waiting in the kitchen so patiently for your morning juice cup, then you'd sit on my lap and watch your TV shows. So much love.

Then suddenly, you were 9 years old, and still equally as loving and adorable, always playing the game you love SO much (baseball), always asking Jared to play catch with you, never forgetting your baseball caps - which you wore ALL THE TIME. Go Cubbies!

I blinked and you were 15. We all made the big move to Nebraska where you fit in as though you'd always been here. You proudly wore the Viking uniform and started on the first ever, Waverly baseball team. Every moment on base, my heart raced. Always so proud of your demeanor and your intensity. None one more loyal to friends, I watched you proudly.'re a young man - out in the world, making your way. Living away from 'home' but still close enough to see you :) College. Working. The one true goal of a parent is to see their 'blessings' grow successfully into adulthood and excel. Find a good life, be happy. Oh, life is so very hard, but so very worth the challenges, the sweet rewards....the small moments, and the big moments.

Twenty years ago, I watched you in awe. Full of love. So obsessed with every moment with you that I could not wait to leave the hospital and begin our lives as 'Mother and Son'. 20 years. You are amazing, and very, very loved. Happy Birthday, Ryan. ♥"

What a wonderful post and there's nothing I could add.  She said it all. of the things she said gave me an idea.  Here are Ryan's hats - through the years.

As you can see, his hats have changed over the years but the boy has remained the same - cute, funny, loving, and awesome!

And here's Ryan with his family before they headed for home last Christmas.

And finally here's our most recent picture of him.  Isn't he handsome!!!

We love you, Ryan, and we couldn't be prouder of you!  We're wishing you the happiest of birthdays but one only half as good as the many, many more to come!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, the pictures of him just KILL me! What a cutie!! I want to smash him! Such an awesome post, I just can't believe he's 20! wow! Happy Birthday, Ryan! We love you so much!


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