Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ethan James

One year ago I did my very first post about Ethan, our 14th grandchild. Last night I had the pleasure of interviewing a very informative Ethan about what's going on in his life these days. As usual, I've sprinkled pictures throughout which may or may not pertain to the question that they're attached to.

You're going to be six years old tomorrow! Are you excited?
Yes, because I like getting bigger and bigger and I like having my birthday.

Are you going to take treats to school for your birthday?

What are you going to take?
Sugar cookies with the letters of Lowe on them (Clarification from Mom: They'll be in his school colors and Lowe is the name of the school)

I heard you already had a party last weekend. What was that like?
Yes, I liked it because I got a DS game and the new Wii game and I had basketball decorations. And, we had giant pretzels, chips, and nachos and hot dogs and cupcakes and popcorn too.
My Grandma Gigi gave me $11 dollars and I got a Power Ranger and it can flip it's head.

Do you like school?

What do you like best about it?
I like when we have play time and when I get to do a calendar with math problems. And I like when we have 100 problems because they're easy!

And how about that school bus ride. Do you enjoy that?
I don't know. I guess. I like to watch everybody get on the bus because I'm the first one on. And I get to watch everybody get off because I'm the last one off.

What's your favorite thing to do at home?
I like to play my DS and play Wii but I can't play it until I find my fourth remote and I think it got to my friend Riese's house. But they don't believe me. Riese is only 7 years old and he came to my party. I let him have Mario party for two days and we gave him some remotes cause he only had two so I think we gave one to him so I think it got to their house. I don't know what we're going to do.

What's your favorite thing to do during recess at school?
Sometimes we play games. Sometimes we do our workouts and sometimes just play outside. I can't think what my favorite thing is because there's three of them. My favorite thing probably is to play with my classmates.

Do you like being a big brother to Mary & Trey?
What's your favorite outside game?
Swings because I can go really high

What's your favorite inside game?
I like bingo. It's awesome. You know why I think it's awesome? Because I just love the game.

What animal do you like best? And why?
Elephant - because it's big

I know your Dad likes to golf. Do you think you'll be a golfer when you grow up?
Yeah, I already played a long time ago and now me and Dad don't go golfing anymore.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

What do you like best about coming to Indiana at Christmas time?
My cousins Anna and Noah live in Indiana. And at the beach house? Yeah, I did NOT want to leave. And you know what my favorite thing to do was? Super Smash Bros.
Do you think you can talk to me while I'm going to the potty?SureI have to set the phone down for a second. Can you wait for me for a second? Will you wait for me? Until you hear my voice okay?
Grandma? You can go ahead.

Is there anything else interesting I should know about you?
Well I did do something about me. I said I'm exciting, ticklish, happy, awesome, and nice. Oh and I like peanut butter and jelly. Besides I had peanut butter and jelly in my lunch today.

Okay can you hold on for a second. I have to get the toilet paper. Okay? Until you hear my voice okay?.......... Okay you can finish.

Do you like to help your mom around the house?
I'm really helpful. I don't know. Sometimes I help Mom with the mixer. She likes when I'm being helpful.

So it's true. Ethan is helpful and I can't deny that the assessment that he must have done in school is completely accurate. He really is exciting, ticklish, happy, awesome and nice. He's also a great interviewee because he's talkative and cheerful and offers up lots of unsolicited information (but you already know that).

So here's wishing an extremely happy birthday to an extremely happy, wonderful, and gregarious little boy!


  1. This post I love so much. It just screams Ethan and I want to pick it up off of the computer screen and hold it close to my heart.

    Thanks for taking the time to do this. It means so much to me...

    I love you, Mom!

  2. OMG, what a card! He is a VERY chatty little guy, eh? And very cute. Happy Birthday, Ethan! I just love his interview responses. I sense there's a lot of Ethan-inspired laughter at his house.

  3. Happy Birthday, Ethan! Well another awesome interview, and Sarah is right, it just screams Ethan. So cute. I love his enthusiasm and his answers and how polite he is when he has to put the phone down for a sec to go potty. SO CUTE. Great job!

  4. Such a great post. You captured him perfectly both with the interview and the photos!

    Great job! Happy Birthday, Ethan!

  5. Happy Birthday, Ethan!! Another awesome birthday post Grandma! i just love the interviews! Im sure Ethan was a blast to interview!! The pictures are great too! He sure is a handsome young man!



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