Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happy Birthday, Sarah

Our baby girl is 33 years old today! Who knew that 33 years was such a short time span? Sarah was supposed to be born on her brothers' birthday but she had other ideas. After starting what seemed to be true labor every night for several nights, she was finally born on the 21st and the reason for the delay was apparent. Sarah was born sunny side up - looking at the world with wondrous eyes from the first moment of her life.

When she was little, we called her Sarah Smiles because that's all she did. What a sweet loving little girl she was.

She was always on the small side for her age and with five older siblings, she had to be smart and tough. They all love to talk about when they'd con her into riding her bike to the gas station down the street to fetch treats for them but Sarah knew what she was doing. She was happy to perform such an easy task in exchange for free treats for herself.

She's always had a quirky, fun personality. Here are some examples:

A prom picture:

A picture taken after her college graduation ceremony that had people thinking for years that she was valedictorian:

The birth of her sister's first baby when the room was so cold you could almost see your breath:

Her wedding shower where SHE was the entertainment:

Yep, this is her:

And the shows that she and Beth entertain us with every New Year's Eve:

She played volleyball in high school and college:

She was a starter on the state championship volleyball team. Here she is in the parade where her team was honored:

After attempting to have her first child without an epidural, she changed her thinking for subsequent babies and turned the birth experience into an art form. Here she is a few minutes before her second child was born.

And if you're ever planning an event and need a helper who's hard working and hardly dramatic at all, be sure to invite Sarah:

See what I mean? Could she be quirkier and funnier?!

Seriously though, she's a precious daughter, a loving wife and mother, and a much loved baby sister. In addition, she's a great cook, very crafty, and her forte has to be party planning. No one's better.

So, Sarah, I wish we were with you today to plan a party for you, but since that's not possible, we're wishing you the best birthday ever!


  1. It's not surprising she's so funny since she learned everything from me, right, Mom? RIGHT?!

    Just kidding. She is so special and kind and loving and helpful, her heart is amazing. I'm so lucky she's my sister. Thanks, Mom!

  2. Everything you said about Sarah is so true. I really enjoyed this post. I really really loved the pictures at the end, I was cracking up! Happy Birthday, Sarah! We hope you had a great day!!

  3. Our baby sister is ONLY 33?!?! wow, lucky her! Great post and love the pictures which depicted Sarah's witty and hilarious personality perfectly. Happy Birthday, Dotter!


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