Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Happy Birthday, Evan

Today is our grandson, Evan's, 16th birthday.  He's our 6th grandchild and 4th grandson.  He was born in Hawaii two days after his cousin, Emily, was born in Indiana.  If it weren't for Evan, I'm almost positive that we would never have gotten to spend two weeks in paradise since we went there to babysit his brother while his mom was in the hospital to have him.

A few minutes ago I called him to wish him a happy birthday and to conduct his birthday interview with him.  Here's how it went.

Evan - 5 years old
How does it feel to be 16?    Not really that different.   Are there any changes in privileges that go with turning 16.  Well, I'm going to get my driver's license soon so that's a perk.
What are your plans for your birthday?  I'm probably going to have a party weekend after next since next weekend is Mother's Day.  It will be just me and my friends chilling out.  Are you doing anything tonight?  We're going out to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings and then I'll probably get a few presents.  And I'm getting a Boston Cream Strawberry Cake.
Do you have any special goals for the upcoming year?  Well, getting my license and I also plan to get some kind of a summer job.
If you had to decide your future right now, what would it hold?  I think something behind a computer like maybe a technician.
What do you like best about school?  I would say probably the freedom and privileges that you get at my school as long as you don't break the trust.
What's your favorite subject?   Theater 2 Least favorite?  I'm gonna have to go with English.
How do you like being a younger brother? I like it and I like that I always have Grant to look up to and depend on.
And how do you like being a big brother?  It's a lot of responsibility.  I put a lot of free time into playing with my sister but in the end it's nice because I get a sense of gratitude.
What do you like to do in your spare time?  Video games, some golf, and Dad recently showed me how to play bass guitar which I really enjoy.  In fact, sometimes I play for longer than I should.  It's different from when I tried to learn guitar because back then I didn't really want to but I love playing bass.
How do you like living in Colorado?  It's nice here until you get to May and it's still snowing.
What can you tell us about yourself that we haven't covered in this interview?  I don't know.  Well, like would you like to be an actor or a writer someday in addition to being a computer guy?   Actually, someday I'd love to do any of those thing.  Also I like Dr. Who on Netflix.  My friends told me about it and it's really creative and lively which I love.  My favorite book series is Leven Thumps and my favorite book is Angels and Demons, the prequel to The DaVinci Code. Also, I like the band  Tenacious D which might not be my parents' favorite thing about me.  LOL
And that was about it.  I loved interviewing Evan because all the things I already knew about him came through.  He's such a nice, agreeable, and funny guy.  He's great about helping when his help is needed and he's very loving to his little sister.  He's family oriented and enjoys spending time with all his large extended family - young and old alike!  We love Evan and we're proud and happy that he's part of our family.  So, Evan, happy birthday and we hope the year ahead is awesome for you!

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