Thursday, July 1, 2010

You Capture - Green

Oh happy day! One of the choices this week was green and since it's been such a wet summer and I spend so much time outside taking pictures, choosing green was a no brainer.

There was a place in the Dunes that I remembered from last year that was unusually serene and green and I thought to head out there. And there was a blogger whose blog I love and who I had been looking forward to walking with. So yesterday it all came together. Bacardi Mama and I did the approximately three mile trail in Indiana Dunes State Park. It was one of the best walks EVER! And we took some pictures too. The funny thing was that I wanted to walk this trail to capture this pond and we walked right by it. That's some good conversation!

Obviously we doubled back and captured a few pond shots.

As we walked further, there was another wet area where the green was less algae and more reflection so we captured a few shots there. I think one of these is greener but the other is more beautiful so they both made the cut.

This one made the cut because it is SO GREEN!

But as fun as Dunes State Park was, I just couldn't dis Striebel Pond completely so I have to include some shots I got there. This one I risked life and limb for. It was a secluded creek and I had to negotiate my way down a steep incline with loose and treacherous rocks. I was very brave though - three times. Because each time that I downloaded the pictures on my computer, I was disappointed and had to go back. I finally settled on this one.

Here I liked the way the green cattails looked with the blue water background.

And I knew all along that I was going to include some ducks with their green green heads. I had to be careful though because in some lights their heads turn blue!

For lots more green... or hands ...... or chairs, visit Beth at Ishouldbefoldinglaundry.


  1. I think we only have one that looks similar. I posted a reflection one too. It was to pretty to not post. I had so much fun yesterday. I can't wait till next week.

  2. I really like the cat tails picture - the contrast is lovely

  3. They are all such beautiful shots.

  4. These are beautiful! I love the 4th one down. Something about the reflection making it look the trees are never-ending.

  5. Love these. I'm at the Dunes all the time. So, so beautiful there.

  6. I love your pictures, you captured the green beautifully! I think even if I hadn't known the topic beforehand, I would've easily been able to figure it out. Awesome job!

  7. I love the duck one best...such a beautiful green!

  8. I SO LOVE THE CAT TAILS!! That will be my new desktop background, it's so nice of you to give me new pictures for it. As usual, fantastic shots!

  9. Gorgeous photos.. each and everyone one of them so different and yet ALL green!
    way to go...

  10. They're all beautiful, but I really love the first one!

  11. Tiger lilies are my favorite, all of mine have finished here (Texas). Beautiful shots!

  12. Great pictures, Mom. Love that first one and the green ducks, of course.

    So glad you two had a good walk!

  13. I so wish this week was the green challenge because vacation definitely gave me a whole lot of green :)


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