Saturday, June 12, 2010

Right In Our Own Backyard

I walked at Striebel Pond yesterday and there was so much going on that I couldn't wait to post about it. But, after yesterday evening, the excitement right here at home takes precedence.

It all started a little over a year ago when Steve, my older brother by 11 months, built a bluebird house for us. And not only did he build it, he brought it over and mounted it in the middle of the backyard. Alas, we got no bluebirds. This Spring I asked Mr. Right to move it back by the fence thinking it might be a more attractive abode if it were a little more secluded. Still nothing happened.. until yesterday evening.

I had taken a break from the pond overhaul to talk with my daughter Amy on the phone. I sat in one of the lawn chairs looking at the pond while we talked but then my eyes were drawn to some birds messing around by the bluebird house. Suddenly one was hanging on the front of it so I snapped a picture. And the bird went in.

The only thing I knew for sure at this point was that other birds must be attracted to bluebird houses because it couldn't possibly be a bluebird. I look for them all the time. If I'm driving down the road and I see bluebird houses, I start searching the area for bluebirds but I've never seen one around here. I know other people have had them, but I only know it because they told me so - not because I've seen one.

So, while we chatted I zoomed into the screen on my camera and darned if that bird didn't look kind of blue. So I downloaded my pictures and low and behold, we have a pair of bluebirds that look like they might be starting to build a nest. In this picture, one is flying (to the left of the house) and the other is checking out the area. You really might have to click on it to get the full effect.

And here's one of them (the male I think) dancing and singing on his lookout point at the top of the fence.

And here, the male (I think) leans out to check with the female on the fence.

This little couple is so busy. I thought at first they were nesting but now I wonder if there are babies in the box. I don't see them carrying twigs and such so perhaps they're delivering insects (a favorite staple of bluebirds and something that would be hard to see from this distance).

Now only do they work hard but they're diligent sentinels, always watching for enemies and it seems like they have many. .

One of which, is the house sparrow and we have an abundance of those around here.

I just stopped for a moment to watch them and see that they consider other birds their enemy, too. A hapless young robin, who has been frequenting our excavations for the revamped water garden, hopped too close to the bluebird house. Immediately (and too fast for me to grab the camera), two little bluebirds came out of nowhere and swooped down on that fat, young robin - and the robin hightailed it out of there. I don't know if we'll ever see him again, but if we don't, we do have this picture of him. LOL

Right away, the bluebirds were back to their important activity (which I hope is feeding their young). He's in there, just over the upper left hand corner of the golden privet.

So I'm so thrilled to have these little blessings reside in the back of our backyard. "Few sights in nature are more beautiful to the eye than the flash of its iridescent blue, few sounds to the ear more delightful than its soft, melodious warble. Little wonder it has become the bird that universally symbolizes peace, happiness and all that is good." Borrowed from

And I'm thrilled, too, to be blessed with a brother who generously and kindly, not only built the bluebird house, but delivered it and mounted it to ensure we'd have the best chance of getting bluebirds.

Here he is. Isn't he handsome?

Thank you, Steve, from the bottom of my heart.


  1. They are SO pretty. You got some really awesome shots of them too. It's so exciting to think that there could be babies in there, it outta be fun watching the family this summer!

  2. Wonderful story and wonderful pictures and, of course, a wonderful brother! Thanks for sharing with the rest of us!

  3. How exciting. I hope there are babies in there soon. I've seen two bluebirds at our birdfeeder this year, but that was all. Nothing fun like this.

  4. the only time i've seen a bluebird was when i lived in Fort Wayne. How lucky to have nesters!!

  5. oh they are so pretty, I love bluebirds! Lucky to have them in your backyard!


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